Sunday, 9 December 2012

Watch a Horror Film - No. 5

I was at my sister's in Nottingham last weekend, and on Saturday night there was The Omen on tv. I have never seen it, and I think it counts as a horror film, so there was an opportunity to tick one more thing off The List.
This was the 2006 version of The Omen, starring David Thewlis and Peter Postlethwaite.

I did not know the story, so the film was truly creepy and full of suspense for me. Mia Farrow as the evil Nanny was great, especially in the awful scene at the hospital, and the boy playing Damien had a sweet innocence combined with evil looks. I thought I would be scared to watch the film, but it helped that many actors in it were so familiar, especially those from Harry Potter.

I am glad I have seen this film, but I am no fan of the genre, and I know I could never watch the really scary newer films such as The Descent or 28 Days Later. I liked Shaun of the Dead, but it is funny rather than scary.

Looking through this list of the 100 best horror movies, I note that I have seen a few of them - Jaws; Alien, Psycho; The Fly; The Birds; Poltergeist; The Sixth Sense.

So now I feel a bit of a fraud!
Oh I will let this one stand - after all I only watched The Omen because it was on The List, therefore taking me out of my comfort zone.

Not that I feel my life is in a comfort zone at the moment - it really is one thing after another, troubles follow troubles. At least this List is giving me some focus, even though it brings its own stresses.

Starting to make plans for the next items - some that require a lots of planning and time. I have made a start on the Dennis the Menace stripy jumper, and I have got a library book about making quilts.