Wednesday, 11 April 2012

Am making some progress on ideas for The 50 List.

Introduced the concept with friends on Saturday at Jacky's birthday bash, then again at Sam's Celebration of All That is Good on Monday.
It made an interesting topic for discussion, the more creative types seemed quite inspired by it! It was great fun, and, unusually for me, I was enjoying the attention. Particular thanks go to Deb on Sat and Sue and Barbara on Mon for coming up with so many possibilities.
Currently I have 52 ideas on The List, but I am looking to have 100 or so before I think seriously about narrowing it down to 50 achieveable final items.
I have shown the interim list to my boys, they love the idea, and want to encourage and support me in this strange endeavour. Hurrah! wanna know what's on The List, don't you?!!

Be patient, dear reader, I will keep it private a bit longer.

What would you have on your list?
Any ideas for me?

Monday, 9 April 2012

Rookie Blogger

Wow, just set up my first ever blog.

The reason for Janet's 50 List?

In November 2012 I will be 50, and I feel it is a time to look forward and backward, reflect on my life so far, and think about what I want to do in the future.
With this in mind, I have set myself a challenge - I hope it will be fun, and will encourage me to try some new ideas and activities.

I am creating a List of 50 Things I have Not Done Before, and I intend to tick all items off the list within a year. I will start on my 50th birthday, 8/11/2012, and must complete the List by 7/11/2013.

A few relevant details about me, to start with - ok, I am overweight, a big woman, and this will prevent me from taking up the more difficult physical challenges - I am not about to run a marathon. Nevertheless, I do swim 50 lengths 3 days a week. As for my health, I am asthmatic and prone to frequent bad colds and low-level ailments, but nothing too debilitating. Additionally, I am a single mother to my 2 teenage boys, without a great deal of spare money, but I am prepared to take on some costs to achieve my goals.

I want a variety of challenges on my 50 List, some things can be simple to do, others may take longer. There will be visits to places I have never been, experiences I have never had, and I hope to pick up new skills and even friendships along the way. I know I have a tendency to be insular at times, relying on myself and retreating to my books and my obsession with Doctor Who and Torchwood, but I do love my family and friends, and I want to involve them in this new venture.

So - how am I doing? What do you think? How about some suggestions for my 50 List?