Monday, 9 April 2012

Rookie Blogger

Wow, just set up my first ever blog.

The reason for Janet's 50 List?

In November 2012 I will be 50, and I feel it is a time to look forward and backward, reflect on my life so far, and think about what I want to do in the future.
With this in mind, I have set myself a challenge - I hope it will be fun, and will encourage me to try some new ideas and activities.

I am creating a List of 50 Things I have Not Done Before, and I intend to tick all items off the list within a year. I will start on my 50th birthday, 8/11/2012, and must complete the List by 7/11/2013.

A few relevant details about me, to start with - ok, I am overweight, a big woman, and this will prevent me from taking up the more difficult physical challenges - I am not about to run a marathon. Nevertheless, I do swim 50 lengths 3 days a week. As for my health, I am asthmatic and prone to frequent bad colds and low-level ailments, but nothing too debilitating. Additionally, I am a single mother to my 2 teenage boys, without a great deal of spare money, but I am prepared to take on some costs to achieve my goals.

I want a variety of challenges on my 50 List, some things can be simple to do, others may take longer. There will be visits to places I have never been, experiences I have never had, and I hope to pick up new skills and even friendships along the way. I know I have a tendency to be insular at times, relying on myself and retreating to my books and my obsession with Doctor Who and Torchwood, but I do love my family and friends, and I want to involve them in this new venture.

So - how am I doing? What do you think? How about some suggestions for my 50 List?

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