Sunday 20 January 2013

50 Words of Grey

For my 8th List item, I wrote a short story.

I have shown it to one friend, who thinks it is rather good, so perhaps it is not too bad, for a beginner. Not sure I have got the point of view right, and the tenses too, but I can edit it. It has about 1500 words.

The only problem sort of....errr... turned into a piece of erotic fiction. Well, they do say write about what you know, for a first book!

Therefore I have a dilema - do I write a tamer version, for publication in this blog, or do I keep it quiet and show only trusted friends who beg for a look on my blog?
Does it count towards my 50 List if I have shared it with only one friend?
I have ticked it off, but would be interested in finding out what anyone thinks.


  1. No Comments? A friend tells me she tried to comment but it didn't work, so this is a test. J

  2. Trying again. Tried from my google account but trying anonymously this time. I didn't know you were doing a blog - great idea! And I think you should share the story more widely! Clarex

    1. Oh good, you managed to get a comment on here, thank you Clare xx Janet

  3. it would be useful to see what your whole list of things is. and why don't you put the story up?? it would be gr8 to read it :)

    1. Hi, thanks for the comment - not sure if you are someone who knows me personally, as you didn't put a name...but I am willing to forward the story for you to read if you give me an email address or Facebook.
      My list of 50 IS on here, look in my blog for November 2012
