Friday, 27 December 2013

Doctor Who Tattoo

I bet having a tattoo is on most bucket lists, and particularly on 50 type lists.

Who said I had to be original anyway? It was a hard job to come up with 50 things I had never done, achievable within a year and on a minimal budget.

I had several vague ideas about what I wanted for a tattoo - oh the usual stuff, a butterfly? Flower? Perhaps a line of Latin script, or a quotation from Shakespeare?

In the end, it had to be from Doctor Who, since I am such a fan, and it being the 50th anniversary of the programme too. I contemplated a Tardis for a while, but eventually went for a design in Circular Gallifreyan.

Link to the webpage where I found the design:

I think it says 'Hello Sweetie', i.e. a quote from the lovely River Song, but I have not checked it out for myself.

On 12th September 2013 I went with my good friend Sam to Red Inc tattoo studio opposite where I work. I was the last customer of the day, so there was nobody about, only the tattoo artist. He was scrupulous about cleanliness, wiping down all surfaces and covering things with rolls of clingfilm. He took a copy of my printed design, and transferred it to my arm, then tattooed it on, simple as that!

I think circles must be difficult to get right, but he did a grand job.
I didn't watch it being done, I chatted with Sam - oh, the tattooist was also called Sam! It helped to be distracted from the pain, it didn't hurt too much, and I am delighted with the result.

People - actually, just about everyone who has seen it - ask me the same two questions: 1. did it hurt? 2. will you be getting more tattoos?
My answer to 2. is - probably not, I am happy with my Gallifreyan symbol, it was part of my 50 challenges for the year, and I do not feel the need to have more.

Goodbye Sweetie!

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